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HPV Herd Immunity Can Be Achieved

November 11, 2023 • 11:08 am CST
by Keith Johnston
(Precision Vaccinations News)

A recent study published by the journal Cell Host & Microbe shows that gender-neutral vaccination can achieve population-level human papillomavirus (HPV) immunity.

Published on November 1, 2023, this study evaluated the long-term effect of community-randomized gender-neutral and girls-only HPV vaccination on the ecology of the remaining oncogenic HPVs among young adult women vaccinated as early adolescents.

These researchers observed a significant depletion of high-oncogenicity vaccine-targeted HPV types 16/18/31/45 in gender-neutral and girls-only vaccination communities four years post-vaccination.

However, this depletion was consistent eight years post-vaccination only among gender-neutral vaccination communities.

'Our most important finding, however, was the significantly increased (PFDR = 1.1 × 10−8) oncogenic HPVs ecological diversity from 4 to 8 years post-vaccination exclusively in gender-neutral vaccination communities despite the clearance of the vaccine-targeted types in these communities.'

'This rising ecological diversity of the oncogenic HPVs in gender-neutral vaccination communities with a stronger herd immunity compared with girls-only vaccination communities is likely the first recorded sign of ecological niche occupation by the non-vaccine-targeted HPV post-population-level vaccination,' wrote these researchers.

Previously, the Lancet Global Health released a report in September 2023 report showing that almost 33% of men over the age of 15 were infected with at least one genital HPV type, and 20% are infected with one or more high-risk or oncogenic HPV types.

Additionally, a study published by the Journal of Infectious Diseases on October 12, 2023, found genital HPV infections within two years in about 40% (CI:33.4-48.4) of unvaccinated young women who started a new heterosexual relationship. 

In the United States, about 76% of adolescents have received one or more HPV vaccine doses by 2022.

As of November 11, 2023, various HPV vaccines are available at most clinics and pharmacies.

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