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England's Measles Outbreak Reaches 934 Cases

April 4, 2024 • 3:41 pm CDT
UKHSA measles case trends April 4, 2024
(Precision Vaccinations News)

Throughout the global measles outbreak in 2024, about 49 countries have reported cases. 

Unfortunately, the United Kingdom is rapidly becoming a leader.

On April 4, 2024, the U.K. Health Security Agency (UKHSA) reported 269 measles cases in January 2024, 231 in February, and 224 (to date) in March 2024.

In total, there have been 934 measles cases since October 2023.

About 54% of these cases have been in the West Midlands and 21% in London.

Dr. Vanessa Saliba, UKHSA Consultant Epidemiologist, offered these insights in a press release, "We are continuing to see measles cases in all regions of England, with cases particularly high in the West Midlands and London, so it is vital that two doses of the MMR vaccine fully protect people."

"It only takes one case to get into a community with low vaccination rates for measles to spread rapidly, especially in schools and nurseries."

"We know that hundreds of thousands of children around the country, particularly in some inner-city areas, are still not fully vaccinated and are at risk of serious illness or life-long complications, but measles is completely preventable with vaccination."

Worldwide, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention listed the top ten international measles outbreaks as of March 12, 2024, led by Kazakhstan (21,740), followed by Azerbaijan, Yemen, and India. 

To alert international travelers, the CDC republished a global Watch-Level 1, Practice Usual Precautions, Travel Health Notice on March 22, 2024,  identifying measles outbreaks in numerous countries.

In the United States, Chicago, Illinois, continues leading the measles outbreak in 2024.

As of April 3, 2024, Illinois has reported 56 measles cases this year, including the Chicago Department of Public Health (53) measles cases.

In the U.S., measles vaccines are generally available at clinics and community pharmacies.

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