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Despite High Vaccination Rates, COVID-19 Deaths Increase in the UK

November 7, 2021 • 7:34 am CST
(Precision Vaccinations News)

The United Kingdom has often been the unfortunate leader during the COVID-19 pandemic. As a result, what happens in the UK generally is reported elsewhere later.

For example, the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus Alpha variant was first detected in the UK. Then the UK saw the more-contagious Delta variant, which quickly spread worldwide. 

Furthermore, the UK's vaccination program led most countries. 

As of November 6, 2021, the official UK government website for COVID-19 vaccination data shows about 80% of its eligible population has received two doses, and 17% a third 'booster' dose. 

Recent, real-world data demonstrated the vaccines deployed in the UK to be highly effective against COVID-19, severe disease, and death. 

Despite successful vaccinations, COVID-19 related deaths in the UK are now increasing.

Daily numbers of deaths of people whose death certificate mentioned COVID-19 as one of the causes, and the 7-day rolling average increased 8.1%.

This negative trend could be related to COVID-19 vaccine effectiveness diminishing.

To the first week in October 2021, 57,195 possible coronavirus reinfections have been identified in the UK.

The UK's NHS website says, 'If you had a weakened immune system when you had your first two doses, the vaccine might not have given you as much protection.'

'And a 3rd dose may help give you better protection.'

If you live in England, you can get a COVID-19 vaccine from a walk-in site without an appointment.

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