Measles Protection Decreases in the UK

MMR vaccination rate in England decreased for 5-year-olds to 87.2 percent
Buckingham palace
United Kingdom (Precision Vaccinations News)

According to new reports from the National Health Service Digital (NHS), fewer children in England are getting basic immunizations.

Specifically, vaccinations for measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR) has fallen for the 4th consecutive year.

This MMR vaccination rate decrease may be the reason the NHS is reporting a measles outbreak across England during 2018.

Year to date, 876 measles cases have been reported by the NHS. Which is almost a 300 percent increase from 2017.

The NHS Digital data revealed only 87.2 percent of 5-year-olds had received both MMR vaccines.

This vaccination rate is well below the 95 percent needed to achieve measles ‘herd-immunity’. 

The European Region of the World Health Organization (WHO) currently recommends that on a national basis at least 95 percent of children are immunized against diseases targeted for elimination or control, such as measles. 

“Measles continues to spread across Europe because vaccination coverage in most European countries remains suboptimal. Only 4 EU/EEA countries reported figures of at least 95% vaccination coverage, for both doses of measles-containing vaccine for 2017,” said the ECDC in the September 17, 2018 report. 

“If the goal of eliminating measles is to be reached, vaccination coverage for children and adults needs to increase.”

The UK’s decreasing MMR vaccination rate may be connected to the ongoing, discredited opinion throughout the EU that the MMR vaccine is related to autism. 

Measles is a disease that can lead to serious complications, such as pneumonia, and even death. It is caused by a highly-contagious virus that is spread through the air by breathing, coughing, or sneezing.

The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) continues to notify international visitors to the UK on the ongoing measles outbreak with a Watch - Level 1 Travel Alert.  

International travelers to the UK can easily request an MMR vaccination appointment with a local pharmacy at Vax-Before-Travel.

The CDC Vaccine Price List provides the private sector vaccine prices for general information.

And vaccine discounts can be found here.

MMR vaccines, like any medicine, can have side effects. You are encouraged to report negative side effects of vaccines to the FDA or CDC.


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